Prof. Dr. Miha Ravnik
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Jadranska 19
1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 1 4766 709
office: 204 (FMF UL, Jadranska 19)
Research interests
My research interest covers topics at the interdisciplinary edge of soft matter physics, such as complex fluids, active matter, colloids, liquid crystals, bio-sensors, optics and photonics of anisotropic media, topological materials, and protein biophysics. With my group I work along four main research directions: (i) structures in active and passive complex fluids, (ii) complex optics and photonics in anisotropic materials, (iii) active and passive microfluidics of complex fluids, and (iv) protein biophysics in biopharmaceutics. My work in soft matter materials is typically strongly linked with experiments and typically relies on combination of computer modelling, analytical and topological approaches, and data science approaches such as neural networks.
Selected highlights and news
(2024/01) Paper in PNAS: Quantifying local stiffness and forces in soft biological tissues using droplet optical microcavities
(2023/12) Awarded Gold Plaque award for outstanding scientific&pedagogical contributions by University of Ljubljana
(2023/10) Started as Vice-head of Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (appointed for 2 years)
(2023/04) Two papers in Phys. Rev. Lett.: Defect Line Coarsening and Refinement in Active Nematics and Nematronics: Reciprocal Coupling between Ionic Currents and Nematic Dynamics.
(2023/01) Panel member for ERC StG 2022 PE11 Materials Engineering.
(2022/11) Paper in Nature Communication on Continuous generation of topological defects in driven nematic.
(2022/09) Elected to Full Professor at the University of Ljubljana.
(2022/08) Two papers on colloidal nematic swimmers - Science Advances and Advanced Functional Materials
(2022/02) President of the Management board of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (appointed for 2 years).
(2022/01) Paper on Blue phase III in PRX.
(2021/12) Awarded as PI renewed program grant Physics of Soft matter, Surfaces, and Nanostructures (cca 10FTE for 6 years).
(2021/11) Awarded National physics "Blinc" award for best physicists at the beginning of their career.
(2021/10) Started as vice-dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (appointed for 2 years).
(2021/03) Paper on Ionically Charged Topological Defects in Nematic Fluids in PRX.
(2019/11) Awarded National "Ziga Zois" recognition of important scientific achievements in soft matter physics.